Wednesday, April 17, 2013

                                               NEW FRIENDS.


Yesterday a co worker of mine gave me a ride home from work since we were both off at the same time.I never really had talked to her and usually keep most of my co workers at a safe distance.So what surprised me was that conversating with her was easy as breathing.Cheesy huh?Haha! We told each other parts of our past and things we both did then and are doing now.We have many things in common and it amazed me that I found someoene who could relate to me.I mean I have friends not alot but I have two who are really close to me.Their my bestfriends and even though I tell them everything from the happiest moments in my life to the most tragic, I could never really tell them the things that bug me.Like how acne freaks me out mostly because I had a horrible breakout in highschool.Or any of my ionsecurities with my body.I opened up to this girl just as she opened up to me.The thing is I believe if a person shares something personal from her life then you should share a piece of yourself.Now I don't go trusting the whole world and am now thnking should I have told her that?Well  to be honest I can't sit here and debate this I will just let it take it's course.And if in the end none of what I told her was spilled then looks like I have a new friend.If not then I know I can talk to her but mostly keep the personal stuff to myself.I hardly make new friends because I'm always the person who listens to them and their problems but no one listens to mine so I got tired of being there for them but them not being there for me.I wonder how this will turn out?Will we become good friends or in the end just hang out for a bit and then go back to just being co workers?Time will tell I'm excited though and maybe having new friends isn't a bad idea but for right now making one new friend is fine and dandy with me:)So I guess I still have trust issues and what can I saw I've been burnt alot in friendships.Well if anyone is reading this thanks for listening to my random rambles and if no one is then oh wells.This is for me.

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